Sillod Shikshan Santha's, Aurangabad


N-11, HUDCO, Aurangabad- 431001

Affiliated to Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad

ISO Certified 9001:2015

About us


    The college has been established keeping the following objectives in mind such as imparting good culture, developing students mind toward Science & Technology and the Spirit of serving the Society. The people of this area are predominantly industrial workers and economically backward. For their convenience the Sillod Education Society has taken up the task of providing quality higher Education at Reasonable cost at their door steps.


• Make learning an interesting experience.
• Provide right direction and environment to develop character to shoulder responsibilities of good citizen and become relevant
• Imbibe a scientific temper of curiosity, awareness and understanding of everything for all.
• Imbibe ethical principles.


Nalanda B.C.A. College will focus its efforts on advanced level knowledge, the development of creative productivity, communication skills, critical thinking, problem solving skills and appropriate accomplishments in the Engineering and Management with teaching & Research faculties having rich experience.


1. Make our student disciplined, well mannered, cultured, tolerant and liberal, co-operative and productive thinking.
2. Stress on leadership training, democratic way of living, moral progress and a feeling of national integration.
3. Keep ourselves updated with progress all around in engineering, technology & management.
4. Upgrade under privileged students to accept the challenges of globalization.